Project Description

A smart notebook that will help creative workers think better.

The combined power of a meticulously crafted notebook for thinking and writing and an innovative mobile app for storing and sharing.

thinkenotebook splash screen


ThinkersNotebook is a new, modern way of creating and storing your creative work. It’s suitable for writers, graphic designers, and those who make drafts on the paper, yet want the ability to store their ideas digitally. The mobile application combines with the notebook enables you to save and store your work and ideas to your mobile device, without a need to rewrite it or digitalize your hand-written work.


  • Save time.

    When it comes to classic notebooks, they are still important for capturing ideas, designs, or writing. Most creative workers have never given up on paper and pen despite the technology revolution and all the tools that came later. The majority use both. ThinkersNotebook fills the gap between old habits and new demand, saving both time and energy in transforming an idea from paper to a digital form.
  • Make collaborating with your team easier.

    ThinkersNotebook enables you to easily show your work to those who need to see it. The purpose of the collaboration is not to share but to exchange ideas. The mobile app that comes with the physical product, gives an option to make real-time comments on the captured drafts, along with many other features that move teamwork to a higher level.


  • One-Click Capture with Auto-Detect

  • Instant OMR Tagging

thinkenotebook mockup
  • A secure and reliable system built on Google’s infrastructure

  • Real-Time Commenting System



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Sean Jackson

Ridgemax is an exceptional app developer that delivers on what they promise. The value of their development efforts – combined with their quick delivery of a quality product – far exceeds the low cost they charge.

Sean A. Jackson, Entrepreneur, THINKERS MANIFESTO, LLC

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(8:00 am to 5:00 pm Central Standard Time)